Enemy in the Family
…the most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it – Margaret Sanger
Throughout these articles, and in Dragon Mother, I delve into the mystery of the female psyche to determine why and how it differs from that of males. Astonishingly, we see that for most women the subject of female psychology is of no particular interest or importance.
Given this situation, it's not surprising that we inhabit an anti-psychological age. It's not a laughing matter, and something to take lightly, because it negatively impacts the all too fragile family dynamic and raising of sons and daughters.
In regards family problems, parents the world over habitually read from the same script when it comes to the delinquent behavior of their feral kids. They carefully minimize their role to avoid taking responsibility for homicidal or suicidal offspring. Psychologist R. D. Laing saw through their masquerade, and knew all about their self-serving escape mechanisms and feeble denials. However, his warnings and accusations against dysfunctional parents were scandalously dismissed and ignored. The same goes for psychologist Alice Miller.
Jurisdiction over an infant's consciousness is naturally first assumed by the mother. Despite a terrible mother's parental incompetence, she is repeatedly exonerated from blame by society, even by so-called “experts” who always apportion blame to the child. Things are not likely to change anytime soon. The mystique of women remains intact, serving as the perfect stealth-weapon duping professionals and subduing the will of most males, especially those recruited by women to be their indentured “house slaves” or husbands:
A woman is a foreign land,
Of which, though there he settle young,
A man will ne'er quite understand
The customs, politics and tongue.
- Coventry Patmore
Throughout these articles, and in Dragon Mother, I delve into the mystery of the female psyche to determine why and how it differs from that of males. Astonishingly, we see that for most women the subject of female psychology is of no particular interest or importance.
Given this situation, it's not surprising that we inhabit an anti-psychological age. It's not a laughing matter, and something to take lightly, because it negatively impacts the all too fragile family dynamic and raising of sons and daughters.
In regards family problems, parents the world over habitually read from the same script when it comes to the delinquent behavior of their feral kids. They carefully minimize their role to avoid taking responsibility for homicidal or suicidal offspring. Psychologist R. D. Laing saw through their masquerade, and knew all about their self-serving escape mechanisms and feeble denials. However, his warnings and accusations against dysfunctional parents were scandalously dismissed and ignored. The same goes for psychologist Alice Miller.
Jurisdiction over an infant's consciousness is naturally first assumed by the mother. Despite a terrible mother's parental incompetence, she is repeatedly exonerated from blame by society, even by so-called “experts” who always apportion blame to the child. Things are not likely to change anytime soon. The mystique of women remains intact, serving as the perfect stealth-weapon duping professionals and subduing the will of most males, especially those recruited by women to be their indentured “house slaves” or husbands:
A woman is a foreign land,
Of which, though there he settle young,
A man will ne'er quite understand
The customs, politics and tongue.
- Coventry Patmore
The best role-models dirty money can buy...
But wait! According to the headlines isn’t the main threat to the family unit an external one?
What of the long assault on the family by radical feminists? Mustn’t it be properly understood and stopped, especially since it seeks to undermine the havens women apparently hold so dear?
That sounds proper and correct, except for two things. What if feminist critiques against the family serve to distract us from deeper darker domestic injustices? And what if domestic matriarchs are responsible for the kind of adult female who obsessively turns not only into a man-hater, but a home-hater?
As asked elsewhere, what kind of adult does a daughter turn into after losing the all-important Dragon Fight? Sure, we might see her turn into a scowling delinquent with piercings and tattoos. Or we might see her turn into a stiff, frozen authoritarian type, coveting positions offering her political power, which she soon turns against her greatest enemy – Mom.
What of the long assault on the family by radical feminists? Mustn’t it be properly understood and stopped, especially since it seeks to undermine the havens women apparently hold so dear?
That sounds proper and correct, except for two things. What if feminist critiques against the family serve to distract us from deeper darker domestic injustices? And what if domestic matriarchs are responsible for the kind of adult female who obsessively turns not only into a man-hater, but a home-hater?
As asked elsewhere, what kind of adult does a daughter turn into after losing the all-important Dragon Fight? Sure, we might see her turn into a scowling delinquent with piercings and tattoos. Or we might see her turn into a stiff, frozen authoritarian type, coveting positions offering her political power, which she soon turns against her greatest enemy – Mom.
Given that this is the case, and that the majority of career women – especially those wielding political power – are indeed still attempting to win the Dragon Fight with their terrible mothers, it follows that we have at last discovered what animates those deviants working to undermine and obliterate the family unit.
By now we’re probably familiar with the rants of radical females and feminist organizations against the family, and have heard their call for its ruin.
The nuclear family must be destroyed - Linda Gordon
We have also seen the results of their undisguised anger and hatred. It’s no secret that birthrates among Europeans are way down, and that by 2050, whites will be minorities in their own lands.
Outside of Muslim Albania, no European nation is producing enough babies to replace its population – Pat Buchanan (Death of the West)
While world population had doubled to six billion in forty years, the European peoples had stopped reproducing. Their populations had begun to stagnate and, in many countries, had already begun to fall. Of Europe’s forty-seven nations, only one, Muslim Albania, was, by 2000, maintaining a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive indefinitely. Europe had begun to die – ibid
In 1960, people of European ancestry were one-fourth of the world’s population; in 2000, they were one-sixth; in 2050, they will be one-tenth. These are the statistics of a vanishing race – ibid
…the Third World adds one hundred million people - one new Mexico - every fifteen months. Forty new Mexicos in the Third World by 2050, while Europe will have lost the equivalent of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany! – ibid
The question remains as to why this is the case. What is really at the root of it?
As said above, what if these ferocious, demented feminists are losers of the Dragon Fight? Were they the teens and adults who, because of their high IQs, succeeded academically only to deviantly misuse the political power offered them by Western Civilization and the male world?
If this is so, we see that the family dynamic is certainly to be held accountable for the state of sociopolitical decay in the West. Specifically, we must closely examine the role of the domestic matriarch in her malignant or necrophilous guise.
By now we’re probably familiar with the rants of radical females and feminist organizations against the family, and have heard their call for its ruin.
The nuclear family must be destroyed - Linda Gordon
We have also seen the results of their undisguised anger and hatred. It’s no secret that birthrates among Europeans are way down, and that by 2050, whites will be minorities in their own lands.
Outside of Muslim Albania, no European nation is producing enough babies to replace its population – Pat Buchanan (Death of the West)
While world population had doubled to six billion in forty years, the European peoples had stopped reproducing. Their populations had begun to stagnate and, in many countries, had already begun to fall. Of Europe’s forty-seven nations, only one, Muslim Albania, was, by 2000, maintaining a birth rate sufficient to keep it alive indefinitely. Europe had begun to die – ibid
In 1960, people of European ancestry were one-fourth of the world’s population; in 2000, they were one-sixth; in 2050, they will be one-tenth. These are the statistics of a vanishing race – ibid
…the Third World adds one hundred million people - one new Mexico - every fifteen months. Forty new Mexicos in the Third World by 2050, while Europe will have lost the equivalent of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Germany! – ibid
The question remains as to why this is the case. What is really at the root of it?
As said above, what if these ferocious, demented feminists are losers of the Dragon Fight? Were they the teens and adults who, because of their high IQs, succeeded academically only to deviantly misuse the political power offered them by Western Civilization and the male world?
If this is so, we see that the family dynamic is certainly to be held accountable for the state of sociopolitical decay in the West. Specifically, we must closely examine the role of the domestic matriarch in her malignant or necrophilous guise.
They turn out well, mother's little darlings...
If the feminist assault on the "family" is only a collateral interest and intention, we can no longer deny that the earlier and deadlier attack on “family values” actually comes not from the outside but the inside. In other words, despite obvious appearances, the terrible mother is not only an enemy of the family, she’s an enemy in the family.
The attacks on Western Civilization and European family unit are therefore not only political. Far from it. The attacks are initially psychological, occurring because of the struggle of wills starting at the fetal and semiotic stages, moving to the Oedipal phases and up to one’s teenage years.
This malignant influence of a terrible mother not only skews what we call masculinity but also femininity as it manifests as a phenomenon in the world. After all, as I show, the Dragon Fight is really a necrophilous cycle that never ends. The daughter who has had her will and identity crushed, must later in life recast herself as the winner. It's her main nonconscious drive and everything depends on it. Consequently, she breeds her own children and becomes a terrible mother herself to relive and hopefully win the fight by way of her own innocent kids.
So is our world chock-filled with matrophobes and slaves to the female will.
The attacks on Western Civilization and European family unit are therefore not only political. Far from it. The attacks are initially psychological, occurring because of the struggle of wills starting at the fetal and semiotic stages, moving to the Oedipal phases and up to one’s teenage years.
This malignant influence of a terrible mother not only skews what we call masculinity but also femininity as it manifests as a phenomenon in the world. After all, as I show, the Dragon Fight is really a necrophilous cycle that never ends. The daughter who has had her will and identity crushed, must later in life recast herself as the winner. It's her main nonconscious drive and everything depends on it. Consequently, she breeds her own children and becomes a terrible mother herself to relive and hopefully win the fight by way of her own innocent kids.
So is our world chock-filled with matrophobes and slaves to the female will.
Babies come in all shapes and sizes...
In our patently anti-psychological world, the savants who warned against the cancer of Adultism have gone unheard. As a result, our world is congested with witless, insensitive, self-absorbed parents and chronically superficial outer-directed children incapable of introspection, aloneness, self-reflexivity or contemplation. Their frightful existential condition isn’t caused by any political affiliation or ideology. Rather it’s the result of the family dynamic into which they are born and their terrible mother’s baneful influence.
In this sense, the so-called family is really a prison of sorts, something that does indeed need to fall. By way of its morbid existence it has called for its destruction. Feminism is the answer to that silent call. Of course the unraveling of the family in accordance with the will of feminists isn’t healthy, wholesome and desirous. Political revolution, in any and all cases, leads only to destruction not creation. What we need is more psychology, particularly in terms of female typology and behavior.
In this sense, the so-called family is really a prison of sorts, something that does indeed need to fall. By way of its morbid existence it has called for its destruction. Feminism is the answer to that silent call. Of course the unraveling of the family in accordance with the will of feminists isn’t healthy, wholesome and desirous. Political revolution, in any and all cases, leads only to destruction not creation. What we need is more psychology, particularly in terms of female typology and behavior.
Matriarchy is a form of social organization in which the female head of a nest exercises dominant power in it, while the male head is her lieutenant who operates its formal machinery of authority – Chinweizu Ibekwe (Anatomy of Female Power)
Probing deeply into the conundrum, we see that the attacks of feminists on the “family” are really attacks on mother. Once this is understood, real progress can be made.
The matriarchal wardens of the domestic cage are actually served by feminist attacks on the family. In their minds they aren’t the least bit affronted, since the attacks are bereft of any criticism of the mother. They are always conveniently too vague to warrant anxiety. The tyrannous terrible mother stands immune regardless of political histrionics, and her despicable reign remains intact. Maybe that was the plan all along. In any case, the terrible mother realizes she has nothing personally to fear from the screeches of her deranged daughters indoctrinated and contaminated by feminist agendas.
Probing deeply into the conundrum, we see that the attacks of feminists on the “family” are really attacks on mother. Once this is understood, real progress can be made.
The matriarchal wardens of the domestic cage are actually served by feminist attacks on the family. In their minds they aren’t the least bit affronted, since the attacks are bereft of any criticism of the mother. They are always conveniently too vague to warrant anxiety. The tyrannous terrible mother stands immune regardless of political histrionics, and her despicable reign remains intact. Maybe that was the plan all along. In any case, the terrible mother realizes she has nothing personally to fear from the screeches of her deranged daughters indoctrinated and contaminated by feminist agendas.
Even if the family unit crumbles and is no more, what of it? A great many women the world over have already decided it’s not for them any longer. They are completely disinterested in raising healthy children. They continue only to breed kids who'll serve them as slaves, crutches, cushions and whipping posts in the new Dragon Fight. And thanks to the welfare state, women don’t really need husbands or male children. By way of a little malingering, the narcissistic female can live to party forever, while retaining her contrived, if pristine, self-image.
In this sense, for all her irrational activism, the feminist is not the prime-mover or most-wanted criminal. Rather, she's the victim of the truly deviant one who gets away scot-free. No one penalizes her for psychic felonies committed in her once favorite habitat – the home. And a new freedom now beckons. The domestic criminal decides she's done with one kind of recreation, motherhood, and looks around for something more exciting. Her daughters on the hill race to her aid, and she's able to fly free, leaving devastation in her wake. And still her male slaves carry on regardless, utterly oblivious to what’s happening.
Feminism is a revolt by some women who are bored or frustrated within the matriarchist paradise - Chinweizu Ibekwe
Feminism is the refuge for the tyrannous necrophilous female who decides she won’t be fulfilled by motherhood. Today's female is far from satiated by it. Her exit from the convention must, however, be cunningly disguised. Her need for "emancipation" gives rise to the feminist movement. Its first target was the male as he is in most of his domestic and social roles. Then, from the time of Margaret Sanger and others of her type, came its blistering attacks on the family. The raison d'etre has always been female “liberation,” “rights,” “entitlement” and other absurd concepts.
I can’t mate in captivity - Gloria Steinem
We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage - Robin Morgan
Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage - Sheila Cronin
The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women...we must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft - Lehmann & Sullinger
It’s simply a shift of power-base that suits a deeply irrational sex, whose prodigious criminal history has never been sufficiently exposed to the light.
Sad to say, the loser of the Dragon Fight finds a haven in the political world established by her male slaves. It’s the new theater of her recreation and pleasure, providing a vehicle for her emotional exorcism and ego-aggrandizement. Girl Power!
In this sense, for all her irrational activism, the feminist is not the prime-mover or most-wanted criminal. Rather, she's the victim of the truly deviant one who gets away scot-free. No one penalizes her for psychic felonies committed in her once favorite habitat – the home. And a new freedom now beckons. The domestic criminal decides she's done with one kind of recreation, motherhood, and looks around for something more exciting. Her daughters on the hill race to her aid, and she's able to fly free, leaving devastation in her wake. And still her male slaves carry on regardless, utterly oblivious to what’s happening.
Feminism is a revolt by some women who are bored or frustrated within the matriarchist paradise - Chinweizu Ibekwe
Feminism is the refuge for the tyrannous necrophilous female who decides she won’t be fulfilled by motherhood. Today's female is far from satiated by it. Her exit from the convention must, however, be cunningly disguised. Her need for "emancipation" gives rise to the feminist movement. Its first target was the male as he is in most of his domestic and social roles. Then, from the time of Margaret Sanger and others of her type, came its blistering attacks on the family. The raison d'etre has always been female “liberation,” “rights,” “entitlement” and other absurd concepts.
I can’t mate in captivity - Gloria Steinem
We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage - Robin Morgan
Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage - Sheila Cronin
The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women...we must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft - Lehmann & Sullinger
It’s simply a shift of power-base that suits a deeply irrational sex, whose prodigious criminal history has never been sufficiently exposed to the light.
Sad to say, the loser of the Dragon Fight finds a haven in the political world established by her male slaves. It’s the new theater of her recreation and pleasure, providing a vehicle for her emotional exorcism and ego-aggrandizement. Girl Power!
Yuk...it's no longer a giggle
The loser of the Dragon Fight, tiring of her old worn-out theater of operation, seeks a new one. Exploiting men is boring. She has experienced the Track 29 lifestyle, the working girl persona, executive level career, champagne cocktails, afternoon soap-operas, hummers and jacuzzis. Her new ”high” comes from spurning men, going it alone, and the wanton destruction of the world she knew but never loved – her horrid domestic “cage.” Her colossal error is in despising those who've done her no harm, while exonerating and exalting the one who has.
As to the non-professional matriarch, at this point her "home" is merely a temporary front. She’s no longer available sexually, and no longer that interested in being a wife. If she breeds at all, it’s purely a matter of biological chronology and pragmatism. It’s not to celebrate family and preserve Western culture, but to qualify for welfare, alimony and child-support, thereby guaranteeing a life of ease and recreation amid worldwide turmoil. As far as she's concerned the male world was set in motion to cater to her every whim. And she's right. At the first sign of faux helplessness the system dashes to her aid. Her mystique ensures that men serve her every need, despite her barely concealed contempt for them and their world.
We might query why the comforts of home-life prove so distasteful to so many young women. Well we’d have our answers once we accept what's been staring us in the face for decades. The person who dons a mask in order to benefit from love, success, wealth and protection, can in fact get tired of the masquerade serving to win them the luxuries created and laid on by the male world. They may even long to come out from behind their masks, given the right set of circumstances. And, as far as most women are concerned, What Ho! that time has definitely arrived.
Things wouldn’t be so bad with this removal of masks - this "emancipation" - except for the fact that it’s not all women wish to do. They want to leave the male world in ruins, given that they irrationally see it as a trap. Hence the surfeit of broken homes and delinquent teens flooding our towns and cities. Hence the irreparable state of education throughout America and Britain and pervasiveness of illicit drugs and criminality. Hence the political-correctness preventing criticism and intelligent comment. Hence the wholesale feminization of Western culture.
...the rise of feminism spells the death of the nation and the end of the West - Pat Buchanan
As to the non-professional matriarch, at this point her "home" is merely a temporary front. She’s no longer available sexually, and no longer that interested in being a wife. If she breeds at all, it’s purely a matter of biological chronology and pragmatism. It’s not to celebrate family and preserve Western culture, but to qualify for welfare, alimony and child-support, thereby guaranteeing a life of ease and recreation amid worldwide turmoil. As far as she's concerned the male world was set in motion to cater to her every whim. And she's right. At the first sign of faux helplessness the system dashes to her aid. Her mystique ensures that men serve her every need, despite her barely concealed contempt for them and their world.
We might query why the comforts of home-life prove so distasteful to so many young women. Well we’d have our answers once we accept what's been staring us in the face for decades. The person who dons a mask in order to benefit from love, success, wealth and protection, can in fact get tired of the masquerade serving to win them the luxuries created and laid on by the male world. They may even long to come out from behind their masks, given the right set of circumstances. And, as far as most women are concerned, What Ho! that time has definitely arrived.
Things wouldn’t be so bad with this removal of masks - this "emancipation" - except for the fact that it’s not all women wish to do. They want to leave the male world in ruins, given that they irrationally see it as a trap. Hence the surfeit of broken homes and delinquent teens flooding our towns and cities. Hence the irreparable state of education throughout America and Britain and pervasiveness of illicit drugs and criminality. Hence the political-correctness preventing criticism and intelligent comment. Hence the wholesale feminization of Western culture.
...the rise of feminism spells the death of the nation and the end of the West - Pat Buchanan
Due to the presence of the welfare state, there’s no need for any woman to seek and serve a husband. There’s no need for her to invest a lot of energy making sure he efficiently slaves for her throughout his life, financing her antics, recreations and frivolous expenditure. There’s no need to watch him fall on one knee to declare eternal love and fealty. It’s no longer a giggle, so like, it’s a wrap!
Of course, whatever the house-slave thinks about women and does for them, however absurdly, is the result of his own mother’s will and intention. His enslavement to womankind accords not with his own inner voice, but with that of his superior, the matriarch who first sold him the false idea that women must be deified simply because they are women.
Masculine woolly-mindedness has been a source of female power from a long way back - Robert Ardrey
Of course, whatever the house-slave thinks about women and does for them, however absurdly, is the result of his own mother’s will and intention. His enslavement to womankind accords not with his own inner voice, but with that of his superior, the matriarch who first sold him the false idea that women must be deified simply because they are women.
Masculine woolly-mindedness has been a source of female power from a long way back - Robert Ardrey
More than likely he didn’t have a mother who educated him truly, in the conniving ways of most women. He was not psychologically empowered. On the contrary, he was enslaved to womankind before two years of age. Entering the world with a mutilated will, he found himself becoming either a drop-out delinquent or armored authoritarian type. In all cases, his core character is the “Chivalric Type,” as I define it.
This means that in almost all cases he’s been trained to serve, honor and obey members of the opposite sex, regardless of their moral fiber. In fact he acts toward women not as a heroic male, but as a tame, enthralled addict looking for a fix. Most men are little more than emotional prostitutes utterly unaware of the deep unseen cording and emotional incest enslaving them. Little does such a man guess that his muscular strength has been secunded to serve the necrophilous female will. Nor does he guess that women have decided that his job description is of late null and void. He’s been formally replaced by an army of gormless grinning simpering soy-boys, hipsters and eunuchs whose wills are in total sync with that of their female rulers.
Again, this slow process of emasculation began in the home, supervised by the terrible mother. That such a male enters the world to enslave himself in marriage to a terrible daughter - the frustrated loser of the Dragon Fight – doesn’t worry him in the least. He's unable to see what's what through his tears of adoration.
His servile condition certainly doesn’t worry his terrible mother. In fact it’s a good thing. He’s still under lock and key. When he falls to his knees to pay tribute to my apprentice, she thinks, he really pays it to me. So let the sacrifices continue!
Women do get, and always did get, what they want - be it riches, thrones, or the head of John the Baptist - Chinweizu Ibekwe
The attacks of matrophobic feminists on the family unit are exclusively directed toward those in the West. But as I show, an analysis of female psychology tells us that a feminist’s antipathy to Western Civilization, the white male, and so-called patriarchy, are the result of compensation and displacement. Father becomes the three-headed monster, while the actual object of fear and rage goes unacknowledged and unpenalized. I maintain that this displaced matrophobia is the root cause of the fall of Western culture, and there can be no turning of the tide until there is a mass psychological awakening among Western women.
This psychic dynamic is the real cause of present sociopolitical troubles. In fact, one chooses histrionic activity in the political arena as a mechanism of avoidance, and because it offers a modicum of emotional exorcism for shame-drenched losers of the Dragon Fight. And since the losers are mostly women, it follows that many find the power offered them by politics irresistible. Their political outlooks and activities are, however, highly irrational and destructive. The evidence for this is seen all around us today.
The feminist attack against the male world and family unit is not to be considered the first manifestation of female antipathy. It is in fact a secondary manifestation, caused by seismic psychic disturbances occurring in a more disguised and unaddressed form. It is due to a delayed reaction against the effects of Adultism, particularly as it manifests between a terrible mother and her enslaved daughter.
In short, it is the necrophilous will of a terrible mother that, more than any other factor, gives rise to the demented political outlooks and beliefs of a son or daughter as they age. The traumatized daughter who subscribes to the anti-male, anti-western feminist agenda is one who has had her will and identity completely subverted by her terrible mother. Her behavior in the political world is motivated by a deep relentless desire to lessen the rage she harbors against the hated offender, the one she is unable to consciously indict and confront, the one truly responsible for the breakdown of the nuclear family, as it once existed.
This means that in almost all cases he’s been trained to serve, honor and obey members of the opposite sex, regardless of their moral fiber. In fact he acts toward women not as a heroic male, but as a tame, enthralled addict looking for a fix. Most men are little more than emotional prostitutes utterly unaware of the deep unseen cording and emotional incest enslaving them. Little does such a man guess that his muscular strength has been secunded to serve the necrophilous female will. Nor does he guess that women have decided that his job description is of late null and void. He’s been formally replaced by an army of gormless grinning simpering soy-boys, hipsters and eunuchs whose wills are in total sync with that of their female rulers.
Again, this slow process of emasculation began in the home, supervised by the terrible mother. That such a male enters the world to enslave himself in marriage to a terrible daughter - the frustrated loser of the Dragon Fight – doesn’t worry him in the least. He's unable to see what's what through his tears of adoration.
His servile condition certainly doesn’t worry his terrible mother. In fact it’s a good thing. He’s still under lock and key. When he falls to his knees to pay tribute to my apprentice, she thinks, he really pays it to me. So let the sacrifices continue!
Women do get, and always did get, what they want - be it riches, thrones, or the head of John the Baptist - Chinweizu Ibekwe
The attacks of matrophobic feminists on the family unit are exclusively directed toward those in the West. But as I show, an analysis of female psychology tells us that a feminist’s antipathy to Western Civilization, the white male, and so-called patriarchy, are the result of compensation and displacement. Father becomes the three-headed monster, while the actual object of fear and rage goes unacknowledged and unpenalized. I maintain that this displaced matrophobia is the root cause of the fall of Western culture, and there can be no turning of the tide until there is a mass psychological awakening among Western women.
This psychic dynamic is the real cause of present sociopolitical troubles. In fact, one chooses histrionic activity in the political arena as a mechanism of avoidance, and because it offers a modicum of emotional exorcism for shame-drenched losers of the Dragon Fight. And since the losers are mostly women, it follows that many find the power offered them by politics irresistible. Their political outlooks and activities are, however, highly irrational and destructive. The evidence for this is seen all around us today.
The feminist attack against the male world and family unit is not to be considered the first manifestation of female antipathy. It is in fact a secondary manifestation, caused by seismic psychic disturbances occurring in a more disguised and unaddressed form. It is due to a delayed reaction against the effects of Adultism, particularly as it manifests between a terrible mother and her enslaved daughter.
In short, it is the necrophilous will of a terrible mother that, more than any other factor, gives rise to the demented political outlooks and beliefs of a son or daughter as they age. The traumatized daughter who subscribes to the anti-male, anti-western feminist agenda is one who has had her will and identity completely subverted by her terrible mother. Her behavior in the political world is motivated by a deep relentless desire to lessen the rage she harbors against the hated offender, the one she is unable to consciously indict and confront, the one truly responsible for the breakdown of the nuclear family, as it once existed.
. . .
Michael Tsarion (2020)